Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Totalization of Shadows, Part XII

I encounter a fork in the road. Does the fork represent an opportunity for an activation of thinking? Is the choice I must make, of going right or left, a thought? Is the act of making a choice an example of making a thought? Does it matter that the necessity of the choice is presented to me as already there—there being already a fork in the road? Does the unavoidability of choosing one way or the other bear on the quality of choice as thought, if thought such a choice be? If the choice is blind (i.e. if I have no way—no information—about which tine of the fork will take me to where I want to go,) is the choice thoughtless, while on the other hand if the choice is informed, is it thoughtful? Would I know that knowing where I want to go has been determined by thoughtfulness? I can’t rule out the possibility that where I want to go has been predetermined for me (i.e. determined by something external to me, by which I take to mean something external to any thought-act or thought activation on my part,) by incentives and rewards which guide my movements. If I amble through a garden of forking paths, is that a sign I am less thoughtful than if I stop, stare, and frown as I come upon another fork? (An extremely peculiar behavior, especially if I come to these forks blind, as specified above, but undoubtedly a behavior I do exhibit quite frequently.) However, on the other hand, do we ever amble? Do we pass a fork somewhere down which one path we can go to ambling, while down the other we move with deliberation? If so, that must be a blind choice.


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