Sunday, June 07, 2009

Statement of the Problem, Part I

“Concept creation” isn’t the problem, even though the problems we have with the concept of concept and the concept of creation are nearly innumerable.

The problem is embodying chaos. Embodying chaos as a problem isn’t a matter of imposing an order on chaos.

“Imposing order on…” both ideas--"imposing" and "order"-- are problematic. To impose in the sense we used it, implying to dominate or to use a hylomorphic model (the same?), I think we generally agree is something to be avoided. We might then be said to be looking for some other manner for achieving order, except that order as what is to be achieved is also something we have felt is questionable.

Questioning order seems worthwhile, and yet what emerges from this questioning of order seems to be the necessity of it. Externally (in nature) it is a requirement for life; internally (in the psyche) it is indispensable to thought insofar as language is indispensable to thought.

This isn’t to say we think order is a fixedness or uniformity in space or time.

Sidestepping the problem of order as imposed while recognizing the necessity of order, we might scout about for some other way order would come. We have some cases of self-ordering, autopoiesis, or similar phenomena we could examine, for clues… so that we might get an idea of how we could impose self-ordering or engender autopoiesis upon ourselves in some controlled manner? That this would do nothing for us and our problem I think is obvious.

How would one cultivate or develop a way of answering our problem when the very notions of cultivation and development embody notions of order excluding chaos? If one takes order in whatever sense as necessary, has one already abandoned the problem of embodying chaos?

Do these last questions really only boil down to seeing I am dealing within the binarism of order/chaos, which binarism can be deconstructed with almost elementary ease? If such an operation is so apparent and obtainable, why am I so unsatisfied with the resultant? Or is my problem a personal one, an emotional one—I want too much, I have an unreasonable expection, am over-reaching, am overly-ambitious…I want to eat chaos whole, not in bites? My dietetics of chaos is wrong?


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