Friday, February 05, 2010

The Penumbra of the Empty, Part VI

There are three identified motions at work: a vertical motion, a horizontal motion, and an “ecstatic” motion, which curiously rides the horizontal motion.

The way they are identified is somewhat arbitrary—I don’t see a good reason why I can’t have the vertical motion depicted as a “streaming-towards” – while depicting the horizontal motion as a “streaming against”.

The “ecstatic” motion, which rides, could ride both of the other motions, as a bobbing kayak rides the pronounced riffles of a big river at a bend where currents and countercurrents combine in some pretty weird ways (and the potential to mystify those weird ways is indeed decidedly high.)

This “ecstatic” motion—what is it?

Look at the etymology. Does this or does this not relate to some understanding of motion? The ecstatic—both outside motion or without motion AND in motion, with motion—a motion and a stasis--is a slider concept worthy of special attention.

late 14c., "in a frenzy or stupor, fearful, excited," from O.Fr. extasie, from L.L. extasis, from Gk. ekstasis "trance, distraction," from existanai "displace," also "drive out of one's mind" (existanai phrenon), from ek "out" + histanai "to place, cause to stand," from PIE base *sta- "to stand" (see stet). Used by 17c. mystical writers for "a state of rapture that stupefied the body while the soul contemplated divine things," which probably helped the meaning shift to "exalted state of good feeling" (1610s). Slang use for the drug 3,4-methylendioxymethamphetamine dates from 1985.

Online Etymological Dictionary:

The spatial and temporal and the relation between the two slowly give way to a highly-evaluated subjectivity, though the occurrence at around 1985 is deeply ambiguous.


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