Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Umbrellas Unopent in Tempests, Part V

Fished up hope has come unbidden. Guest has come unbidden.

Fished up hope has been bid welcome, but not in the same way as guest.

Some kind of somber water: placid, too grey, too unsullied, too unmoving, too reflective, as unmoving grey water often is— (water can sparkle, moving or not, but too slowly the water moves means grey, more than not) -- Itwethey had in mind a beautiful greening greeting for a guest, not anything to do with a water quality report. Itwethey is not indifferent to water quality reports…. If water quality report would help Itwethey treat guest with utmost consideration from moment of encounter…Is such to be expected? Had Itwethey towed the narrow line where he would have encountered guest without understanding anything of guests’ waters? Such is the torture of Itwethey: that would from water come all but nothing of knowledge of water. From water quality report? It is all unbidden.

Itwethey feels panic from all this unbidden. The surface is a mirror and the depths are nothing beneath a perfectly silvered mirror. The mirror wasn’t all that threatening. True, mirror hadn’t been bidden, either. Unruffled water could have been happy in grey forever. Itwethey knows it would be interesting to know if the surface can be ruffled in such a way as to reveal everything of the depths. Itwethey never said anything about conceptualizing that as “encounter”. Ore or “concepts” coming into the situation, to be mined or minded. That’d be to be desired, because it would condense a lot of space into a little. But why would anyone want (desire) to condense a lot of space into a little? Itwethey knows he didn’t want such a thing when he was (little, slow, had learned nothing? ((NB: when we had learned nothing we learned everything, very fast.))


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