Temporary but Unrepentant Umbilical to Furthur Thought-Insanity, Part XXXIII
Carlos-O(1): “I regard you as if a pack of wild and yet cowardly jackals and you regard me as if the tyrant of a totalitarian state. Other times, I regard you as fellow citizens of the psyche, or an integral part of the flora and fauna of a healthy eco-psyche, while you regard me benignly as the bumbling spokesperson, or the lion at the top of the food chain, culling the ‘herd.’ (While the term ‘pack’ is unpleasant, it is not necessarily insulting, but my experience with you is the word ‘herd’ is not exactly pleasant, but definitely insulting. Yet in this benign, resigned, or conciliatory mood of yours, you are willingly herded and passive. So, while I can, I will call you what you don’t like, ‘herd.’)”
Carlos-o(∞): “ Yes, there is so much room for reconciliation, for peace. We are in a long-term relationship (LTR), after all. We are often amused as you strut around the psyche, pretending to be a lion. And as far as insults go, we are never phased by them, as we see through them, immediately and spontaneously. So go ahead and call us what you will. Herd, or pack, or lavae crawling in puke, or whatever. We take it in and use it. Usually this is energy and passion we can use.”
Carlos-O(1): “ This brings us to the question I want to ask: how is it even possible there be the state in the postmodern period?”
Carlos-o(∞): “ We begin to answer this by returning to your ‘ Enlightenment is the overcoming of Totalization through critique.’ We are going to loosen our associative powers to explore this. We have always heard in your theory, ‘Enlightenment is the overcoming of the Totalitarian State through non-totalizing thinking.’ Two associations (and accompanying assumptions): 1) totalization is the equivalent of the Totalitarian State, its cause, its isomorphic or homologous underpinning; 2) critique is non-totalizing.”
Carlos-O(1): “ Yes, it is so.”
Carlos-o(∞): “ And yet it is so sad that it is we-of-the -o(∞), who must point out how suspicious and dangerously confused this is. What if critique is totalizing? What if Totalization is the necessary precondition of effective critique? You could just as well be taken to be saying, ‘Enlightenment is the overcoming of Critique through the Totalitarian State.’ At least this is no more false than the previous. It becomes obvious how much rests on critique being non-totalizing. If critique is totalizing, using it to overcome Totalization is like putting out a fire with gasoline.”
Carlos-o(∞): “ Yes, there is so much room for reconciliation, for peace. We are in a long-term relationship (LTR), after all. We are often amused as you strut around the psyche, pretending to be a lion. And as far as insults go, we are never phased by them, as we see through them, immediately and spontaneously. So go ahead and call us what you will. Herd, or pack, or lavae crawling in puke, or whatever. We take it in and use it. Usually this is energy and passion we can use.”
Carlos-O(1): “ This brings us to the question I want to ask: how is it even possible there be the state in the postmodern period?”
Carlos-o(∞): “ We begin to answer this by returning to your ‘ Enlightenment is the overcoming of Totalization through critique.’ We are going to loosen our associative powers to explore this. We have always heard in your theory, ‘Enlightenment is the overcoming of the Totalitarian State through non-totalizing thinking.’ Two associations (and accompanying assumptions): 1) totalization is the equivalent of the Totalitarian State, its cause, its isomorphic or homologous underpinning; 2) critique is non-totalizing.”
Carlos-O(1): “ Yes, it is so.”
Carlos-o(∞): “ And yet it is so sad that it is we-of-the -o(∞), who must point out how suspicious and dangerously confused this is. What if critique is totalizing? What if Totalization is the necessary precondition of effective critique? You could just as well be taken to be saying, ‘Enlightenment is the overcoming of Critique through the Totalitarian State.’ At least this is no more false than the previous. It becomes obvious how much rests on critique being non-totalizing. If critique is totalizing, using it to overcome Totalization is like putting out a fire with gasoline.”
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