Friday, May 06, 2011

Umbrellas Unopent in Tempests, Part XL

Itwethey’s pedagogy of encounter requires saying something more specific about what the acolytes and apostles of “openness” (AoA) believe.

The AoA reject established institutions and values and seek spontaneity.

As an institution is any structure or mechanism of social order, and as spontaneity is somehow or other not mechanized, structured, or ordered, it can’t be surprising for AoA , seeking spontaneity as they do, to reject institutions, established or otherwise. (But are there “unestablished” institutions? No.) We could say, if we wanted to be more accurate: the AoA reject established things, institutions, and values. Institutions and values are always established, so, to be even more succinct, we could say the AoA reject “established things.” Institutions and values are elements, among a large number of other elements, of the set of established things. The question which must now be asked and answered is this: are there any elements of human language, culture, society, or human ways of being which are not elements of the set of “established things”? The question then is: if there are not, are the AoA nihilists, as they reject everything? (Or at least everything humans have established.)

The AoA seek spontaneity. They do not reject spontaneity. Spontaneity such as it exists in the life of humans is affirmed over and against what humans have established. Spontaneity and the affirmation of spontaneity thus distinguishes the AoA from nihilists. Spontaneity thus bears a heavy weight load for the AoA: it is the positive seed, or egg, or energy potentiatus from which a humanity unidentified and undefined by what it establishes, (whether what it establishes is understood as culture in its broadest sense, or as institutions, or values, art or science or religion or art-science-religion (the greatest possible dream of those who affirm “Establishment.”)


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